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Intranet database is the database that the agency. Has information about e-book, Articles Report and Standards about Sciences and Technology
Reference Guide for Analytical, Industrial, and Research Labs In addition to detailing these specifications, ACS Reagent Chemicals provides general physical properties and analytical uses for all reagent chemicals as well as guidelines for standard analytical methods.
The Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) is a compendium of internationally recognized standards for the identity, purity, and quality of food ingredients. It features over 1,200 monographs, including food-grade chemicals, processing aids, food ingredients, flavoring agents, vitamins, and functional food ingredients
The most comprehensive collection of chemical and microbiological methods available in the world, and many methods within the compendium have notation indicating their adoption as harmonized international reference methods by ISO IDF IUPAC and the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
BSOL includes all British standards and international and European standards that have been adopted as British standards. BSOL also holds BSI Publicly Available Specifications, as well as BSI books
TAPPI Online contain 1. TAPPI Standards are developed through the consensus of a technical working group acting in accordance with the procedures described in our guidelines. 2. TAPPI Technical Information Papers (TIPs) are documents containing specialized information used in the manufacture, evaluation and description of pulp, paper, and related products, written in a standardized format which is readily useable by the industry. 3. TAPPI Useful Methods (UMs) describe tests, procedures, or practices written in the same general style as a Standard, but without the vigorous precision requirements. Because they do not qualify as Standards, UMs do not undergo the same review-by-consensus process.
Standard Collection Article Count: 10
ฐานข้อมูลราชกิจจานุเบกษา สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี
Patents Article Count: 342
Recycling Database and Information File Article Count: 432
Q&A Article Count: 1254
Interesting Articles Article Count: 172
Standard & Regulation Article Count: 1259
กฎ ระเบียบ มาตรฐาน
Article Menu Article Count: 1
Food and Agro-Industry Article Count: 979
Category รวม Content Food and Agro-Industry
summary and Abstract
Training news
Current awareness service