มีจำนวน 10 รายการ ดังนี้

IF 7 (57)

Energy and power evolution over the lifetime of a battery

IF 17 (108)

Determination of seven human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) in infant formula and adult nutritionals: First action 2022.07

IF 29 (74)

Alcohol-free and low-alcohol beers: Aroma chemistry and sensory characteristics

IF 34 (391)

Effect of selective enrichment storage temperature and duration time on the detection of Salmonella in food

IF 50 (253)

Micro(nano)plastics: A review on their interactions with pharmaceuticals and pesticides

IF 50 (254)

The emergence of microplastics: charting the path from research to regulations

IF 51 (313)

Shape, orientation, interaction, or dispersion: valorization of the influence factors in natural rubber nanocomposites

IF 100 (507)

Olive omen emulsified olive oil created by siltech

IF 107 (157)

Plastic food packaging from five countries contains endocrine- and metabolism-disrupting chemicals

IF 125 (76)

Lithium-ion battery recycling: a source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the environment?

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