ผู้แต่ง : Sawyers, John P.
แหล่งข้อมูล : US 5,422,051
บทคัดย่อ (อังกฤษ) : Plastic materials are collected from discarded articles or manufacturing stock, reduced to particles, and mixed with feedstock for manufacturing building materials, such as concrete. Particle maximum dimensions are preferably in the range of five to ten millimeters. The recycled plastic includes up to twenty-five per cent, by volume, of the building material. This provides economical and ecologically sound disposal of otherwise waste plastic, and improves the building material into which it has been incorporated. Cost of the building material is reduced. A cementitious concrete made from recycled plastics, portland cement, and sand/gravel fillers performs to standards of concretes made without plastics. Heterogeneous plastic materials may be used in this concrete, removing the previously time and resource intensive step of sorting and melting down constituent plastics from each other in the waste stream.
ชนิดวัสดุเหลือใช้ : Plastic
ประเภทเอกสาร : patent
ไฟล์เอกสารฉบับเต็ม : US5422051A1